The average professional golfer is probably around a +4 handicap on the courses that you are acustom to. Also, if you have not played in any serious tournaments, tourny play is an entirely different game of golf. If you are a scratch everyday, I personally guarantee you will be about a 5 in tournament play, especially serious ones. Also, take into consideration how many good collegiate golfers there are out there that average a +1index... How many do you think make the tour for longer than 3 years? The answer is less than 2%. If you are really serious about this, and trust me you must be VERY SERIOUS about this, play in some US Open amature qualifiers and see how many great golfers there are out there. Then consider how many of those great golfers get an invite to the US Open, 1! Out of probably over 50,000 at least.
This all being said, it is not impossible to become a pro. There are a couple different ways to get to the show.
1) Graduate Q school
2) Get on Nationwide Tour and Win
3) Win at the right time in your life
4) Play in as many serious tournys as you can
5) Get as much press as you can, this seemed to work for Michelle Wei who is a terrible golfer by the way...
6) Get lucky
So to sum this all up, GOOD LUCK man, you are gonna need it...I know the chances of playing PGA tour golf is slim but like any other sport it can be expensive?I read your response to another person that asked the same question and judging by that response you don't have the commitment and drive it would take to be a professional golfer. It's more than playing golf a couple hours a night and it won't be the game you loved as a kid. You're very young, just 17. I think you'll find something else more suited to your personality and desires. You've asked a lot of questions about martial arts. Perhaps you would be better suited to a career in that.I know the chances of playing PGA tour golf is slim but like any other sport it can be expensive?In order to be the best at just about anything, you have to have a serious passion for it. Golf is no different. Without the passion you will probably only reach the level of average. That is not to say that all you need is passion. I'm just saying that it is a necessary element to being great at anything.
You can have great passion for something and still only be average. Skill is something that can be developed with the right direction. Even the pros have trainers and coaches.
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