Thursday, February 2, 2012

I've been playin golf for 2 years and i just picked up a bad slice! Does anyone have any good advice or tips?

I need help to fix a bad slice in my golf swing that I have been struggling with.I've been playin golf for 2 years and i just picked up a bad slice! Does anyone have any good advice or tips?tuck a headcover under your left (if you're a righty) arm, and make swings. You need the upper part of the lead arm to stay connected to your body, which will allow you to release the club naturally.I've been playin golf for 2 years and i just picked up a bad slice! Does anyone have any good advice or tips?My brother has a really good natural swing. Every now and again he will spray balls to the right at the beginning of his round. He usually moves the ball slightly back in his stance and that cures him. For myself, I tend to hit it to the right if my swing plane is too steep. A flatter swing plane usually will fix that for me. Try hitting some balls( or just take a few practice swings ) off a hill with the ball above your feet. This will force you to swing on a flatter plane. Good luck!I've been playin golf for 2 years and i just picked up a bad slice! Does anyone have any good advice or tips?your body is ahead of your hands at impact,try starting the club back a little bit with just your arms moving at first, then go into your normal swing, maybe your ams will be square with your body then at impact.

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