Thursday, February 2, 2012

What are good stretching exercises to do for my golf swing to balance out my muscle growth?

I have started working out again after several years. The reason I stopped was because my muscle growth especially in my chest hindered my golf swing. Now that I have stared back, I need suggestions on stretches to counter that growth and keep my swing fluid and less mechanical. I try to stay away from chest exercises but I still need to firm up that area,What are good stretching exercises to do for my golf swing to balance out my muscle growth?reach for your toes. then to the sky. lift you left knee up to your check while you twist to your right. lift your right knee and twist to your left. then just twist. put both hands on the ground and get into a push up position. then bring one leg up to your chest and push back. do this with both legs. then just twist your ankles and wrist. take your right arm put your hand on your left shoulder blade in the back and take your left hand and grab your right elbow do this with both arms. roll your shoulders.curve your back and push your shoulders back. this works for both male and female body types. and should be held for at least 10-15 seconds everyday every 12 hours and this will help stretch out your whole body and should not hinder your swing. another tip is to make sure your upper body isnt stiff or you will end up hurting yourself. dont put to much pressure on your back. and you dont want to use muscle when golfing you want to learn how to use the club head to push off and send the ball flying and you want to hit dirt. get heavier clubs if needed. im a 12 year old girl and i use men clubs that most pro golfers use :)What are good stretching exercises to do for my golf swing to balance out my muscle growth?

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