Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wheres the center of mass in the body when performing a golf swing?

wheres the center of mass in the body when performing a golf swing.

and where is it after the swing.

thanks!Wheres the center of mass in the body when performing a golf swing?Right in the center silly, unless yor shaped like a pear then it is a bit lower. For Arnold Scwartzenager it is a little higherWheres the center of mass in the body when performing a golf swing?Right where it should be of course! There is ONE way to actually determine this. Really! I'm serious. Make a scale model that matches the person in density and then suspend the model from a string. Draw a vertical line through the model straight down from the point where suspended. Change the point of suspension to a new location and repeat the line. Repeat several more times in different places. Where these lines intersect is the center of mass. This works with ANY irregular shaped object. As long as your model matches the real thing in size and shape and density in the insides, it will match the real thing in the physical location within the object. Suspending a flexible thing like a human body is a problem, especially when holding an object which is why you need a rigid model in several positions, more or less like a series of snapshots or stop-motion and then suspend each model from several points one at a time. Where each set of lines intersect, THAT point is the center of mass when in that position. It is this same method used with model boats which is used to determine the center of buoyancy, which is exactly the same point of the center of mass of the inside shape of the hollow boat. Knowing where this point is located in the empty space inside the boat aids in determining the stability when floating in water.Wheres the center of mass in the body when performing a golf swing?Without getting as technical as Rowlfe, the center of mass in the body would have to be the spine. Your center should be behind the ball during the swing to maximize the effect of the shot (hence the ball played mid stance or one ball forward). Your spine is set by your posture at address and the swing is a rotation around the spine. After contact with the ball, your rotation through the shot would have your weight slightly forward finishing with your weight on the front foot/leg and your center just ahead of where the ball had been at address. That's my take on the subject.
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