I just started playing disc golf this year. I love the sport. My only problem is, i feel like I'm losing out when i throw sidearm (Very bad at overhand, and don't like the feel of it). I feel like my throws aren't as good as my friends who throw overhand, nor as accurate. Are sidearm throwers losing out?Is the sidearm throw in disc golf efficient?It definitely has it's uses. The best thing would be to start out with what is most comfortable for you. Get good at that and then work on the other types of throws as you gain in experience. If you ever have a chance to play or watch some pros you will see that they do not stick to one particular type of shot and use backhand,sidearm,overhand and other types of throws.Is the sidearm throw in disc golf efficient?like mentioned above they both have their uses. (RH)Backhand fade left and flicks will fade right. i believe sidearm throws are an ADVANTAGE over back hand. if you suck at throwing chances are you are not releasing flat and it probably fades immediately. youtube some techniques
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Is the sidearm throw in disc golf efficient?Definately Not! Speaking as a righty. I am a backhand thrower and have started using the sidearm too so I can get a heiser and anheiser shots (i can go left and right). Also to make courses more difficult there are more dog legs to the right which are harder to hit unless you have a good turnover shot. So to hit those shots dog leg rights sidearms are a must in your arsenal. As far as your technique and lack of distance pick up a couple of rounds with the local pros and get them to give you some pointers. It's helped my game.
Good Luck %26amp; Ring Those Chains
PDGA Member 37874
Disc Golf Birmingham Member
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