Thursday, January 26, 2012

Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?

I have been playing golf for few years and now i would like to get official USGA golf handicap.

Thank you.Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?Join the USGA. Go to the website and get the info.Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?
If you belong to a private country club, it usually subscribes to the GHIN system. One pays a fee for the service and a new handicap card is issued every two weeks with an updated handicap. This is administered by the state golf association. Many municipal clubs offer the same service through the state association. If the course does not subscribe, the membership forms a golf club which will subscribe and you will receive an official handicap through that club by paying a fee.Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?Most courses, even public courses, sponsor USGA handicapping. If you play fairly regularly at the same course, ask them if they have a handicap program.

To have an official handicap, you need to be a member of a "club". But it doesn't mean a country club.

The club only needs to be a group of at least 10 people who have a reasonable chance of playing together from time to time.

There should be a state-wide organization that is responsible for handicapping in your state. Contact them for the nearest 'club' in your area.Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?
The best way I've found to get a USGA handicap without paying anything is to go to and join, after joining, you can join a golf club on the website and after entering some of your scores, you can receive a USGA handicap and even print yourself a USGA handicap card.Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?Go to your local course (even if it's a daily fee/muni course) and sign up for a handicap. Typically, this will cost you $15-$35 per year, and they will have protocols for posting scores.

Failing that, there are official services like Golfserv, that are 100% online. Cost is the same.

This will give you an official USGA handicap.Best and easy way to get official USGA golf handicap?
Being a member of a club is the official way to do it. But yahoo has a handicap tracker program that isn't official but works just the same.

Also has one and they also have a course handicap you can use.

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