Monday, January 23, 2012

Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?

Why spend $41 grand when you can spend what, 5 or 6? Granted the retrofitted golf cart won't give off the smug leftist vibe, but you get the point.Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?thanks Patches...

that was the first time in a MONTH

Y!A made me laugh out loud...

ANSWER - (so as not to VIOLATE the question and answer format)

they should!!!

and learn how to dodge a WRENCH

(if they put a Obama 08 sticker and a few assorted ACORN/SEIU as well MOST people wouldn't discern the difference)...Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?
if you can dodge a wrench...


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Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?a fact you're forgetting (or intentionally leaving out) is that $42K is what the government is going to pay per unit as they replace a big portion of their fleet.

that will increase production to the point where set-up costs can be amortized, which will in turn allow additional units to be sold to the civilian population at a significantly reduced price without affecting profit margins.

we saw the same principle at work with the initial run of HumVees. those things cost a cool quarter mil per piece at first... then just like with everything else, as production volumes increased, costs decreased.

when they're offered for sale to the general population at $22K to $25K a piece, i'll buy one. i only live 10 miles from work, and it would be an excellent way to commute.
The very worst Squad Car made in the United States is the Chevy Impala. Rides like

a lumber wagon has no leg room up front if your taller than 4'9. Has no high end output

speed. Cuts out at 95. Leg room in the transport cage is nada. If your transport is tall

and heavy, you have to lay them out on the seat. No trunk room. SWAT Box rides with

the perp. This is what GM produces. County's bought them for one reason. they were

giving them away. And most of the uniforms that have one, have been trying to give them

back right after they got into them.

The volt is a high end electric toy. Not worth 41K. But its buckwheats car.Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?Yes great idea and put a small wind mill on top to charge it up free and then no need for electrical gas stations. You could also put a couple big fans on the back to help push it along. I also suggest this electronic tire gauges so they can make sure they are at the right pressure. Since China makes those giant windmills for us, I bet they could make tiny ones for us and give us a break, maybe trade some of our coal scrubbing technology for it and thus lower there acid rain output,. j they account for 70% of it, it falls on korea, japan and California.Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?
...News Alert... GM announced today that is was releasing it's New "Flintstone" mobile ! (...based on the old Flintstones cartoon show; it gets unlimited milage as long as your legs keep going and we understand that the up-graded model comes with the "Trunk Monkey" !
I say let em' walk, they should all move to some remote island and create their so called utopia.As for me, I going to buy a Rhino and go haulin' out in nature, maybe shoot a bambi.Should every leftist who has their eyes on a shiny new Chevy Volt just buy a golf cart and install some doors?
I would rather be caught in a Volt than one of those obnoxious Hummers you suburban Southerners love.
I just hope they stay out of the fast lane and out of the way of my F250. It's hard to see those matchbox cars.
I still wouldn't buy an American car. Ever. sorry.
Where do you rednecks get this stuff. Never ceases to amaze.
wow $41 grand to own your very own Smug Mobile?
Can I just get a cab for my quad and run it ?

What's up with the Contard Peanut Gallery and the Volt?

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